An exciting new research collaboration between Health Data Research UK and the Centre for Argument Technology at the University of Dundee is funding a UK PhD studentship working in the areas of argumentation and data science; specifically looking at how decisions can be made, shared and collaborated on, in situations where sensitive data may not be available to all parties.
The successful applicant will work in a team developing tools to support decision making across various domains including healthcare, intelligence analysis, and law enforcement. Such tools must not only be capable of providing insight and guidance in high pressure environments but also deal with challenges around data security and the sharing of sensitive information.
Full job description:
Applications are accepted by sending a cover letter and CV with names and contact details of three references to Dr John Lawrence (<>).
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096
The successful applicant will work in a team developing tools to support decision making across various domains including healthcare, intelligence analysis, and law enforcement. Such tools must not only be capable of providing insight and guidance in high pressure environments but also deal with challenges around data security and the sharing of sensitive information.
Full job description:
Applications are accepted by sending a cover letter and CV with names and contact details of three references to Dr John Lawrence (<>).
The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096